Getting Started
Approval of the Neighbourhood Plan Area June 2016
Forming the steering group- the constitution (Created 2015, updated October 2018)
Introducing the plan at the Parish Assembly, May 2015
April 2016 Kick-Off Meetings- first public consultations
Feedback received from the two April “Drop-In” days (16/04/2016 and 23/04/2016).
Gathering Evidence, Building Engagement
Photo Competition
Example Flyers and other publicity.
Residents’ Survey
Analysis of the results of the Residents’ Survey carried out in Nov/Dec 2019.
Regulation 14 Consultation
Public Meetings
Statutory consultees invited to respond to the consultation
Press Release
Consultee responses (with categorisation and disposition)
Responses received by email
Thames Water:
Town (Pincents Hill):
Opus Works (Calcot Park Golf Club and Bewley Homes)
Mid and West Berkshire Local Access Forum
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