Progress report – transport issues

We will be reporting over the next few weeks on the issues raised during our drop-in days held in April this year. Today we are looking at transport and parking.
• Overall there were no negative comments and the feeling is that the current (bus) transport links to/from Reading were generally good. This covers bus routes 16, 2, 33 and 28a (very limited service). At the time of the drop-in days, the route 15 did not yet serve Calcot/IKEA and route 17 does not serve the Tilehurst Parish area.
• One comment referred to the introduction of a ‘park-n-ride’ service, but no mention of the location and desired destination(s).
• No comments received concerning no bus service between Purley and Tilehurst (parish area) and Tilehurst town centre.
• No reference or comment was received in respect or rail services and Tilehurst Station.
More comments were received on the issue of street parking and congestion in general;
• Notably access to the M4 via Sulham Hill and increasing congestion.
• School drop-off/collections during school times becoming dangerous with inadequate off-street parking facilities.
• On-street parking in residential areas due to inadequate off-street facilities, including;
• Destruction of grass verges caused by parked vehicles.
• Parking alongside/near bus-stops delays bus services.
• Double parking of vehicles on roadside creating congestion and restricting ‘freer’ movement of through traffic.
• On-street parking of commercial/business vehicles (vans) in residential streets.
• No dedicated or inadequate cycle paths in the parish.
PUBLIC TRANSPORT – Contact has been made and dialogue opened with Reading Buses to discuss any potential issues which may arise should new housing developments be approved in the future.
PARKING – discussions will take place with West Berks Council to review both the national (Central Government) and WBC overall parking policies, both in respect of existing guidelines plus provisions for adequate off-street parking within any new residential or business developments.
CYCLING – again, contact will be made with West Berks Council re any policies which may exist or be in the pipeline for dedicated cycle paths or routes in the area. However, it has been acknowledged during recent community meetings (in respect of Planning Applications) that the parish may not readily lend itself to such dedicated cycling facilities due to the hills and undulating topography!
If you have any further issues to raise regarding transport in Tilehurst Parish, please contact us or add your comments below.
Calcot estate has been left out of the loop completely again….yes the number 15 now goes to ikea, but why on earth run it straight along the Bath Rd where it won’t pick up customers, why can’t it come round Garston Cresant to an from ikea where people on the estate can use it now we have NO bus service what so ever…..people with mobility probs, the elderly and those that dont drive have well and truly been left out and will not be able to get out and about, well annoyed.
Hello Hayley
Thanks for taking the time to add your contribution.
Whilst the Neighbourhood Plan itself will not have the power to modify bus routes directly, we want to make sure there is more “joined-up” thinking. Where we have homes we need to think about the transport, health, schools, etc. needs of the people who live here.
We will also be reporting what we hear as we gather more community feedback. The stronger the voice of the community, the more likely it will be to have an impact.
Regarding the specifics of the number 15 bus route, please contact Reading Buses and let them know your concerns. Let us know how you get on.