Monthly Archive: September 2017


Photo contest results

We are pleased to announce the winners of the “Good, Bad and the Ugly” photo competition. Thank you to all the talented photographers who took part, and to everyone who visited the gallery and “liked” their favourites. We were amazed by both the number and quality of the entries. The...


Our next meeting: Wednesday 15th November 2017

The next meeting of the Steering Group will be on Wednesday 15th November at 7.30pm in the Calcot Centre, Highview, Calcot, Reading RG31 4XD, UK (please note change from usual venue). Our meetings are open to all Tilehurst residents and we particularly welcome anyone who wishes to become involved in...


Last chance for our photo contest

The contest closes on September 18th – so there’s still time to enter, and to vote for the winners. We have received nearly 100 entries so far, across four categories. However, there are still only two entries in the under-13’s category for ‘Tilehurst – the good’, so there’s a big...


What are the issues in Tilehurst?

We want our photo contest to to highlight your concerns about the place where you live. Please have a look at our gallery – you can vote for individual entries, or there are still two weeks left to enter the contest yourself. We are working to create a Neighbourhood Plan...