What’s the worst thing about Tilehurst?

There’s still plenty of time to enter our online photo contest on the subject of “Tilehurst – the Good, the Bad and the Ugly”. We don’t have many entries in “the Bad and the Ugly” category yet – so you could be in with a better chance of winning if you come up with pictures of your pet gripes about Tilehurst.
The competition is free to enter, open to all, and we have £300 in cash prizes to give away. Whilst the technical quality of the entries will be a factor in choosing the winners, the judges will be more interested in pictures that tell a story about Tilehurst and convey what really matters to the photographer about the neighbourhood.
Please visit the contest online for more details, or you can upload photos directly from this link.
The state of the roads in Tilehurst is disgusting. They are full of potholes. Are the council waiting for a serious accident to happen before something gets done.
Their excuse will be ” We are spending millions on our roads in Reading,but due to central government cuts we are limited to what we can do” Another limp excuse.
Cafe in Triangle…..really? 7 quid for a breakfast and terrible coffee
I know….decided to go there for breakfast after dropping car off for MOT…..7 quid for what they served up was abysmal …..x
Get the word out and they will have to close if they are considered too expensive,take your money elsewhere,they will eventually get the point.
i agree—
Sorry, but I think the breakfast there is excellent. And I like the coffee too.
are you kidding——its a disgrace what they serve up for £7
The triangle could be a real feature begin by removing the massive CCTV sign which has real negative visual impact. Also some investment in the material of the paving so it matches. The area should be an asset to the area not many places have bakers and butchers. We should also consider making the whole area a 20mph zone like other areas of reading.
No James,once again the excuse will be ” we cannot afford it”
The problem is that the country is being starved of cash because the current government are refusing to make the rich pay their fair share. Notice how the entire infrastructure of the country has deteriorated significantly in the last 7 years.
Also i really like he approach taken by Wooley in their neighborhood plan you really feel the spirit of the place http://www.friendsofwoolley.org.uk/userdocs/other/APlanFor2026_Dec15_lite.pdf http://www.friendsofwoolley.org.uk/userdocs/other/APlanFor2026_Dec15_lite.pdf
I really like the approach taken by Wooley in their Neighbourhood Plan http://www.friendsofwoolley.org.uk/userdocs/other/APlanFor2026_Dec15_lite.pdf
The meadway road surface is shocking!!!!! Spend money on the path and road! Try having a c section and driving down meadway. Also try ridding a scooter down some of the paths.
Parks we need a good park!! Newbury and Thatcham have some great parks but tilehurst are rubbish. Paddling pool would be good.
There’s too much fly-tipping in and around Louse Hill Copse. A couple of discreet cameras here and there would be welcome, then we may be able to catch the offenders (who I am fairly sure are serial).
People that live along the main road near the Water Tower have to park on the grass verge which makes a mess of the grass and looks horrible. It would be nice if the verges could be removed and replaced by parking bays. Would help residents and help traffic flow.
I think we need a 30mph sign outside the library and school next to it., I think there will be a fatality at some stage in the future as cars fly up and down school road at well over 30 MPH.