March 2021 Update
It has been a busy start to 2021. With the publication of West Berkshire’s draft local plan we have a clearer indication of the number of additional homes that will be expected to be built in Tilehurst. The steering group has been busy assessing the impact on the draft Neighbourhood Plan.
We’ve seen the planning application for development at Pincents Hill revived and a massive local campaign objecting to the plans.
The draft plan continues to take shape, and we have been focussing on the benefits and challenges with protecting areas of Tilehurst with the “Local Green Space” designation.
We will be discussing these developments and defining our next steps at our March meeting. These meetings are streamed live on Facebook, and you are welcome to watch and comment there. Our first agenda item is also an opportunity for members of the public to contribute- to do that you’ll need to contact us (use the form on this site) to request registration details for the Zoom meeting.
Please note that meeting has been rescheduled, and it will now take place on Thursday 18 March at 7:30pm.
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